The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative has just been informed that we received a grant from the Manitoba Endangered Species and Biodiversity Fund.
The grant is intended to support activities undertaken during the 2012 -2013 fiscal year. These activities include the monitoring of nest and roost sites, liaison with other swift monitoring programs, and outreach activities.
12 December 2012
18 September 2012
This is the End! (of the 2012 season)
The Doors lyrics had it right-- "Of our elaborate plans, the end"
Our swifts have deserted our skies for points south.
Now it's time for a wrap up of 2012 activities by the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative.
Our swifts have deserted our skies for points south.
Now it's time for a wrap up of 2012 activities by the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative.
2012 was a difficult year in terms of volunteer effort,
success with grant requests, and with the observation of swifts themselves.
Approximately twenty-five volunteers submitted monitoring reports, but,
especially in Winnipeg, we could have used more people to generate more data points. At
a number of sites, we received few observations this season. On the positive
side, we did recruit some new volunteers in smaller communities with active
chimneys, and we retained a core group of committed volunteers. We also received
a few “casual” reports that suggest new areas for monitoring both in Winnipeg
and in outlying areas (such as Souris, Winkler,, Steinbach, and Wasagaming). Previously
unknown and active sites in Lorette, Otterburne, and Clearwater were also
identified and monitored in 2012.
Monitoring results:
As far as our roost
sites in Selkirk, Carman, and Dauphin , monitoring results for 2012 are
mixed. Dauphin numbers are up from last year, Selkirk numbers are stable, and
Carman results are diminished.
Because of the limited number of reports, it is difficult to
draw reliable conclusions about overall success at nest sites. It appears that a number of usually-active Winnipeg
sites have been abandoned, while reports from a variety of other areas suggest
“business as usual” from visiting swifts. Based on monitoring reports, it looks
like we had successful breeding in Winnipeg (four sites in the Saint James
area). Winnipeg (Fort Garry). Winnipeg (Lord Roberts), Winnipeg (Saint Boniface), Portage la Prairie
(two sites), Saint Adolphe (see report),
Carman, La Broquerie, Clearwater (two sites), and Brandon (two sites). Check
the Saint Adolphe annual report (see link below) for an account of breeding success
and swift behaviour from an area with five well-observed chimneys.
None of the six artificial
structures showed evidence of use this year.
The 2012 season in numbers--
- · 25 Sites monitored in Winnipeg-- 15 Active sites
- · 28 Sites monitored outside of Winnipeg-- 25 Active sites
- · 6 Artificial towers checked—None used by swifts
- · 19 Casual reports received—Winnipeg, Souris, Winkler, Wasagaming, Steinbach
- · 6 "New" active chimneys identified—Lorette, Otterburne (3), Clearwater (2)
The summary may be seen at,
and the complete spreadsheet with individual site reports
by site and locations of casual reports may be obtained by contacting
the project coordinator at Check our website at for other information about the project.
From Saint Adolphe
“The Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba”
Saint Adolphe has a
unique cluster of five active chimneys and a very dedicated group of observers.
It even has one of our artificial towers. Due to the vigilance of the Stewarts,
our project has excellent data on swift behaviour and breeding success in St.
Adolphe. Annual reports since 2009 are
available on the “resources” page of our website, and the new report for 2012 in
PDF format may be found is at
The St. Adoplhe reports are particularly interesting since we have
interpretation of results of many nights of simultaneous monitoring of all
sites, and we have inspection of chimney
clean-outs to document presence of nests, egg shells, etc.
Artificial Towers:
2012 witnessed the erection of a new tower in the La Broquerie
area. This “artificial tree,” constructed by a committed volunteer, offered
wooden construction and more height above aground than our other towers.
Unfortunately, this tower, like its brick and cinder block counterparts in
Winnipeg, Portage La Prairie, Saint Adolphe, and Starbuck was not used by
swifts this year.
Temperature probes were placed in the La Broquerie tower, and
the temperature results show a consistent but very slight (fraction of a
degree) difference in temperature between the outside temperature and the
temperature inside the tower. Unfortunately, the tower was not used by swifts,
and we have no comparable temperature results from a nearby “active” chimney
for comparison. Previous studies have
shown a slight temperature differential between the interior and exterior of
artificial towers, but heat retention seems slightly better (and presumably
more attractive to swifts) in a conventional masonry chimney.
Looking ahead to next
year- Objectives for 2013:
- · Recruit more volunteers to monitor known sites
- · Check out a number of possible sites, especially in Winnipeg
- · Encourage the large number of Breeding Bird Atlassers to check town sites in their areas for swift activity. There is a large pool of observers who may be able to provide a better indication of swift presence and absence throughout Manitoba. Atlassers’ reports should also help us locate new roost and nest sites.
- · Continue with outreach activities through our web site, blog, displays at public events, and through other media.
- · Liaise with other Canadian swift groups regarding the design of artificial habitat and best practices for monitoring
- · Maintain contact with staff at the Selkirk Mental Health Centre (location of a major roost site and two other active chimneys)
26 August 2012
Going, going, gone ??
I've just added a number of recent reports to the monitoring results spreadsheet, and it looks like we've had another mixed bag of results. Indications from sites like the well-observed Saint Adolphe area suggest some nest failure, while other areas (La Broquerie, St Johns Ravenscourt and some Portage Avenue sites come to mind) suggest "business at usual." Numbers from our venerable roost sites seem to be down from past years.
We'll take another look at the 2012 results when more of your reports come in.
Updated monitoring results may be seen at
We've certainly lost a few volunteers this year, but we have been able to get some data points from all sites that were active last year. We've even identified some "new" sites and received casual reports that point to other chimneys to check.
Reports recently received indicate that swifts have migrated from a number of sites-- St. Adolphe, Carman, some Winnipeg sites like St Johns Ravenscourt and the Silver Heights/Moorgate area. Now would be a good time to check your sites to see if your swifts have "flown the coop." As they say on the Internet "YMMV"- your mileage may vary...
Don't forget to pass along your monitoring reports! Thank you.
We'll be having a meeting on September 10 to discuss this year's results and plan for the future of the program. If you have any suggestions regarding the Chimney Swift Initiative, please let me know!
Frank M
02 August 2012
Feelin' hot hot hot
Well, August is upon us and there seem to be more than a few new swifts in the air.
Recent monitoring reports are a mixed bag. Some formerly-active Winnipeg sites have seen little or no roost hour activity in 2012, yet reports from other locations seem to indicate successful breeding and "normal" numbers. Once I get more reports, I'll post a proper update.
After a hot tip from a birder, Jacquie and I took a spin out to Clearwater and found two active sites-- one at the former Clearwater School and the other at the adjacent Menorial Hall.
The summary of monitoring results is at
For your reading pleasure
Click the link to view a recent article from the Ottawa Citizen about the Onatrio chimney swift program.
Click the link to view the July 20 Bird Studies Canada newsletter with two articles about swift programs. Look in the "Regional" news area,
Things are looking up!
If you see any chimney swifts as you take a summer stroll or road trip. please send a note tot You might be helping us to find a new roost or nest site!
Recent monitoring reports are a mixed bag. Some formerly-active Winnipeg sites have seen little or no roost hour activity in 2012, yet reports from other locations seem to indicate successful breeding and "normal" numbers. Once I get more reports, I'll post a proper update.
After a hot tip from a birder, Jacquie and I took a spin out to Clearwater and found two active sites-- one at the former Clearwater School and the other at the adjacent Menorial Hall.
The summary of monitoring results is at
For your reading pleasure
Click the link to view a recent article from the Ottawa Citizen about the Onatrio chimney swift program.
Click the link to view the July 20 Bird Studies Canada newsletter with two articles about swift programs. Look in the "Regional" news area,
Things are looking up!
If you see any chimney swifts as you take a summer stroll or road trip. please send a note tot You might be helping us to find a new roost or nest site!
15 July 2012
What's it all about, Alfie?
The latter question was posed in the theme song to a popular 1966 Michael Caine flick, but it seems to apply to many of the monitoring reports we're getting these days.
Let's start this note with a THANK YOU to the volunteers who recently submitted observation reports from around the province.
As is often the case, there's good news and less-than-good news...
On the positive side, we continue to receive reports of swift activity at nest or roost sites in various Manitoba locations-- Saint Adolphe, Selkirk, Dauphin, Carman, La Broquerie, Lorette, Portage, Winnipeg, Brandon. We've even found some activity at hitherto-unreported sites, and had a report of a successful (not to mention noisy) nest in a Westwood chimney. We also have a new artificial nest structure of a unique design-- all we need are chimney swift guests! We have a few casual reports of daytime sightings that don't obviously correlate to known nest/roost sites...
On the other hand, several formerly active (mostly Winnipeg) sites are showing little or no activity. Roost sites in Selkirk and Dauphin seem to have reduced numbers, and the well-observed sites in St. Adolphe show signs of nest failure and "missing" birds.
We don't have enough reports to draw definitive conclusions, but it seems like we may be having yet another season of unusual swift activity.
You can take a look at the multi-year monitoring summary at
VOLUNTEERS and SIGHTING REPORTS are always welcome. We could use additional help in checking sites during daytime or roost hours. If you've got the time, we've got the chimney!
OUT AND ABOUT: The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative is planning to have displays at two upcoming events: the Saint Adolphe Mudfest and the 23rd North American Prairie Conference at the University of Manitoba.
Frank Machovec
Let's start this note with a THANK YOU to the volunteers who recently submitted observation reports from around the province.
As is often the case, there's good news and less-than-good news...
On the positive side, we continue to receive reports of swift activity at nest or roost sites in various Manitoba locations-- Saint Adolphe, Selkirk, Dauphin, Carman, La Broquerie, Lorette, Portage, Winnipeg, Brandon. We've even found some activity at hitherto-unreported sites, and had a report of a successful (not to mention noisy) nest in a Westwood chimney. We also have a new artificial nest structure of a unique design-- all we need are chimney swift guests! We have a few casual reports of daytime sightings that don't obviously correlate to known nest/roost sites...
On the other hand, several formerly active (mostly Winnipeg) sites are showing little or no activity. Roost sites in Selkirk and Dauphin seem to have reduced numbers, and the well-observed sites in St. Adolphe show signs of nest failure and "missing" birds.
We don't have enough reports to draw definitive conclusions, but it seems like we may be having yet another season of unusual swift activity.
You can take a look at the multi-year monitoring summary at
VOLUNTEERS and SIGHTING REPORTS are always welcome. We could use additional help in checking sites during daytime or roost hours. If you've got the time, we've got the chimney!
OUT AND ABOUT: The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative is planning to have displays at two upcoming events: the Saint Adolphe Mudfest and the 23rd North American Prairie Conference at the University of Manitoba.
Frank Machovec
02 July 2012
Happy Canada Day!
Last week provincial Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh announed the development of a new strategy to better protect species at risk that will include new funding for population recovery projects and developing new habitat protection legislation.
Part of this startegy is the declaration of the chimney swifts as an endangered species in Manitoba.
For more information, check the press release at
You might also want to check the Species At Risk page at
Two "new" active sites have been found and monitored. There are a pair of swifts in the chimney at the Lorette Catholic Church, and three chimneys at Otterburne's Providence College are being shared by at least seven swifts.
Monitoring reports recently received confirm strong bird counts at Selkirk, Dauphin, and Saint Adolphe sites.
Take a look at for the current monitoring summary.
Don't forget to send me your monitoring reports, and be on the lookout for "new additions" at your sites!
The clip was extracted from a 13 minute recording of a monitoring session at the Dauphin roost site (courtesy K. Wainwright).
How many swifts do you see?
We could still use volunteers to verify activity at several sites. If you'd like to help, please contact Frank at 204-798-6275 or send a note to
Thanks to our volunteers for taking the time to report the activities of our avian visitors!
Frank M
Last week provincial Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh announed the development of a new strategy to better protect species at risk that will include new funding for population recovery projects and developing new habitat protection legislation.
Part of this startegy is the declaration of the chimney swifts as an endangered species in Manitoba.
For more information, check the press release at
You might also want to check the Species At Risk page at
Two "new" active sites have been found and monitored. There are a pair of swifts in the chimney at the Lorette Catholic Church, and three chimneys at Otterburne's Providence College are being shared by at least seven swifts.
Monitoring reports recently received confirm strong bird counts at Selkirk, Dauphin, and Saint Adolphe sites.
Take a look at for the current monitoring summary.
Don't forget to send me your monitoring reports, and be on the lookout for "new additions" at your sites!
The clip was extracted from a 13 minute recording of a monitoring session at the Dauphin roost site (courtesy K. Wainwright).
How many swifts do you see?
We could still use volunteers to verify activity at several sites. If you'd like to help, please contact Frank at 204-798-6275 or send a note to
Thanks to our volunteers for taking the time to report the activities of our avian visitors!
Frank M
11 June 2012
It's not raining all the time!
A Friendly Wager
Early this week members of the Selkirk Bird Watchers and 21 observers in Saint Adolphe peered resolutely into the skies to see which group could see more swifts. The prize was a rare Chimney Swift Initiative mug. Everyone saw swifts, but, to make a long story short, the Selkirk folks won the mug and Saint Adolphe watchers got cookies and a chance to win door prizes.
Swift sightings: This week in review
The Selkirk crew had swifts at all four chimneys-- including an impressive 47 birds at the large stack. The St. Adoplhe "group of ten" swifts maintained their presence at the 5 local chimneys.
Some initial reports of activity were received from Winnipeg sites-- swifts were finally noted at an Academy Road apartment and at a well-known private school in Wildwood.
Interestingly, several reports indicated large numbers of swifts which didn't seem to use the nearby "known" chimney. The most curious case came from Carman with 15-20 birds seen, but no apparent visitation to the roost chimney.
We also had some casual reports of sightings from Winkler, Lower Fort Garry, Main Street and Matheson, and Jubilee and Pembina.
The year-to-date viewing summary may be viewed as a GoogleDoc.
Life On The Edge: A Chimney Swift Webcam
If you'd like a glimpse of some south-of-the-border chimney swift action, or if you crave a break from the CBC Falcon Cams, you might want to check out Life on the Edge, a live swift feed from New York.
A Bit of Administrivia
I have stepped down as project coordinator, but will continue as a humble volunteer until the end of this season. So, please keep those reports coming in!
If you would like to volunteer to do some monitoring, there are many nice chimneys to be had!
Frank M.
Early this week members of the Selkirk Bird Watchers and 21 observers in Saint Adolphe peered resolutely into the skies to see which group could see more swifts. The prize was a rare Chimney Swift Initiative mug. Everyone saw swifts, but, to make a long story short, the Selkirk folks won the mug and Saint Adolphe watchers got cookies and a chance to win door prizes.
Swift sightings: This week in review
The Selkirk crew had swifts at all four chimneys-- including an impressive 47 birds at the large stack. The St. Adoplhe "group of ten" swifts maintained their presence at the 5 local chimneys.
Some initial reports of activity were received from Winnipeg sites-- swifts were finally noted at an Academy Road apartment and at a well-known private school in Wildwood.
Interestingly, several reports indicated large numbers of swifts which didn't seem to use the nearby "known" chimney. The most curious case came from Carman with 15-20 birds seen, but no apparent visitation to the roost chimney.
We also had some casual reports of sightings from Winkler, Lower Fort Garry, Main Street and Matheson, and Jubilee and Pembina.
The year-to-date viewing summary may be viewed as a GoogleDoc.
Life On The Edge: A Chimney Swift Webcam
If you'd like a glimpse of some south-of-the-border chimney swift action, or if you crave a break from the CBC Falcon Cams, you might want to check out Life on the Edge, a live swift feed from New York.
A Bit of Administrivia
I have stepped down as project coordinator, but will continue as a humble volunteer until the end of this season. So, please keep those reports coming in!
If you would like to volunteer to do some monitoring, there are many nice chimneys to be had!
Frank M.
03 June 2012
June 3 Update
More reports have come in, and a few more Winnipeg sites have been monitored. We even received a report of a pair of swifts at Ominnik Marsh in Wasagaming.
The summary results page may be seen at
We still need volunteers to help with the monitoring effort. If you determine your time commitment, we can supply a suitable site to watch! Phone 204-798-6275 or email ( for more information.
Don't forget our Swift Viewing at Saint Adolphe on Monday night from 8 PM to dusk. There have been ten swifts in the area, and we have a friendly challenge from the Selkirk Bird Watchers' Club to see which group of chimney-gazers sees the greater number of swifts during the evening!
The summary results page may be seen at
We still need volunteers to help with the monitoring effort. If you determine your time commitment, we can supply a suitable site to watch! Phone 204-798-6275 or email ( for more information.
Don't forget our Swift Viewing at Saint Adolphe on Monday night from 8 PM to dusk. There have been ten swifts in the area, and we have a friendly challenge from the Selkirk Bird Watchers' Club to see which group of chimney-gazers sees the greater number of swifts during the evening!
01 June 2012
Five Reasons to join us on June 4
Mark your calendars for the evening of Monday, June 4. That's the date for our chimney swift watch at Saint Adolphe. Come out and see are five active chimneys in a small area and check one of our artificial nest structures with its multicolour interpretive signage!.
The swifts should be very active and visible, and they should return to their chimneys during the so-called "roost hour" -- a half hour before sunset to a half hour after sunset. Approximately ten swifts have been seen in the area. (Sunset will be around 9:30 P.M.)
5. Door prizes (including the chance to take home a rare Chimney Swift mug)!
4. A nice drive along the Red River
3. A chance to interrogate the project coordinator and keen local monitors
4. The opportumity to take a look at one of our artificial towers
-----and (drum roll please!)
5.The chimney swifts themselves--ten swifts expected in five active chimneys!.
So, why not bring a chair and a pair of binoculars and join us after 8:00 PM at the parking lot behind the Church at 392 Main Street in Saint Adolphe? Saint Adolphe is about 20 kilometers south of Winnipeg on Highway 200 (St. Mary’s Road).
For more information, call Frank at 798-6275 or email
Mark your calendars for the evening of Monday, June 4. That's the date for our chimney swift watch at Saint Adolphe. Come out and see are five active chimneys in a small area and check one of our artificial nest structures with its multicolour interpretive signage!.
The swifts should be very active and visible, and they should return to their chimneys during the so-called "roost hour" -- a half hour before sunset to a half hour after sunset. Approximately ten swifts have been seen in the area. (Sunset will be around 9:30 P.M.)
5. Door prizes (including the chance to take home a rare Chimney Swift mug)!
4. A nice drive along the Red River
3. A chance to interrogate the project coordinator and keen local monitors
4. The opportumity to take a look at one of our artificial towers
-----and (drum roll please!)
5.The chimney swifts themselves--ten swifts expected in five active chimneys!.
So, why not bring a chair and a pair of binoculars and join us after 8:00 PM at the parking lot behind the Church at 392 Main Street in Saint Adolphe? Saint Adolphe is about 20 kilometers south of Winnipeg on Highway 200 (St. Mary’s Road).
For more information, call Frank at 798-6275 or email
27 May 2012
A seasonal reminder
If you're looking out your window or indulging in some outdoor activity, you nay need a reminder that June is almost here. The calendar indeed confirms that it is the end of May and June will show be upon us...
We continue to receive reports of swift sightings from "old faithful" sites in Saint Adolphe, Selkirk, Dauphin, La Broquerie, Portage, Brandon, Carman. and Winnipeg.
It's early in the season, but it seems that Winnipeg counts are down from last year-- perhaps the swifts aren't quite ready for the 'Peg. On the other hand,the Dauphin roost site is very attractive with an amazing recent count of 87+ chimney swifts !
We also received a casual report of a pair of swifts in Neepawa.
The summary page for observations may be seen here (as a Google Doc). This page will be updated with maximum counts of swifts as I receive official monitoring reports from sites.

As the season progresses, we could use additional monitors for various sites. The need is especially great in the Winnipeg area. You don't need to make a long-term time commitment, but we certainly could use you! For more information about potential sites, please call 204-978-6275 or email
Don't forget our chimney-swift viewing on Monday, June 4 from 8 PM at the side of the St. Adolphe Parish Church at 392 Main Street in St. Adolphe. Bring a chair and your binos, and prepare to be amazed! Find out why St. Adolphe is the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba (and maybe go home with a door prize)!.
20 May 2012
Victoria Day Update
Queen Victoria was reputedly not referring to Chimney Swift monitoring when she famously noted, “A strange, horrible business, but I suppose good enough for Shakespeare's day.”
It looks like Saint Adolphe remains the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba with up to five chimneys active. For those who like sheer numbers, however, you just can't beat the Dauphin site with 31 swifts on Saturday night!
We have preliminary reports of sightings at known sites in Brandon, La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, and Winnipeg. If early monitoring results in Winnipeg are any indication, the swifts have not yet returned to some of their old haunts.
As the official reports come in, I'll be updating the numbers on the summary spreadsheet. You can check the summary (as a Google document). If you want the current overall report in Excel format, please send me an email.
Now would be a good time to check "your" chimney so that we can verify occupancy of known sites. Don't forget to let us know what you see! Forms and resources are available at the website.
If you would like to volunteer to check a chimney site, please get in touch by phone (204-798-6275) or email
As always, I'd like to thank our many existing volunteers!
Don't forget our chimney-gazing extravaganza on Monday, June 4 from 8 PM at the rear of the St. Adolphe Parish Church at 392 Main Street in St. Adolphe. Bring a chair and your binos, and prepare to be amazed! Door prizes are an added inducement (as if you needed more incentive)...
It looks like Saint Adolphe remains the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba with up to five chimneys active. For those who like sheer numbers, however, you just can't beat the Dauphin site with 31 swifts on Saturday night!
We have preliminary reports of sightings at known sites in Brandon, La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, and Winnipeg. If early monitoring results in Winnipeg are any indication, the swifts have not yet returned to some of their old haunts.
As the official reports come in, I'll be updating the numbers on the summary spreadsheet. You can check the summary (as a Google document). If you want the current overall report in Excel format, please send me an email.
Now would be a good time to check "your" chimney so that we can verify occupancy of known sites. Don't forget to let us know what you see! Forms and resources are available at the website.
If you would like to volunteer to check a chimney site, please get in touch by phone (204-798-6275) or email
As always, I'd like to thank our many existing volunteers!
Don't forget our chimney-gazing extravaganza on Monday, June 4 from 8 PM at the rear of the St. Adolphe Parish Church at 392 Main Street in St. Adolphe. Bring a chair and your binos, and prepare to be amazed! Door prizes are an added inducement (as if you needed more incentive)...
13 May 2012
That Was The Week That Was
Some monitoring of sites was done earlier in the week, but Thursday was the first productive day.
Subsequent reports have observed Chimney Swifts in chimneys in Saint Boniface, Saint Adolphe, La Broquerie, and Dauphin. Hopefully, your reports from other locations will be pouring in soon!
A Tree Grows near La Broquerie
An enthusiastic volunteer has erected "an artificial tree" on his property in the La Broquerie area. The structure is constructed of wood, is twelve feet long, and is elevated about twelve feet above ground. The picture to the right shows the tower before its installation.
Time will tell if Chimney Swifts will use this unique structure.
Volunteers wanted!
I am looking for volunteers to monitor known chimney sites so that Jacquie and I can check out some "new" sites in the colourful core area of Winnipeg. Sites are available in various locations and the time commitment is flexible.
If you've always wanted a chimney to call your own, why not give me a call at 798-6275 or via email at
Special Event--June 4
Don't forget our chimney-gazing event on Tuesday, June 4 at Saint Adolphe, the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba. Drop by after 8 PM and bring a chair and some binoculars, You can view five active chimneys and inspect one of our artificial chimneys. There will be door prizes for visitors. Meet at the parking lot by the Catholic Church at 392 Main Street in Saint Adolphe.
10 May 2012
They're here!
The Chimney Swift Initiative has received its first two reports of chimney swifts for 2012.
Six swifts were reported near the Selkirk Mental Health Centre at 8:25 this morning.
Four chimney swifts were seen over Saint Adolphe at 12:25.
Monitors have checked sites in Winnipeg, St, Adolphe, and Carman on previous nights, but no birds were seen before today.
Frank M.
20 April 2012
Look up -- look way up!
Perhaps the Friendly Giant was reminding us about the need to look way up to see the circling swifts!
The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative (MCSI) urges you to look up and help locate and monitor nesting and roosting sites in Manitoba during the coming season (May-September).
Volunteers are needed throughout the province, and they may choose a level of involvement based on their interest and availability:
So far, our project has identified active sites in Brandon, Carman, Dauphin. La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, and Winnipeg.
There are historical reports of sightings in the following locations, and we would value current reports from those areas:: Altona, Balmoral, Bissett, Delta Marsh, East St. Paul, Falcon Lake, Gimli, Mafeking, Morden, Oak Hammock Marsh, Pinawa, Souris, St. Ambroise, Stonewall, Teulon, Victoria Beach, Waugh.
Last year, we received informal reports of sightings in the following locations, and we would welcome details about any new sightings in Shilo, Souris, The Pas, and Wasagaming.
This year we will complete another season of nest/roost monitoring using volunteers, and we will continue to monitor our five artificial nest structures. Other plans include a media outreach campaign to improve public awareness of swifts, encourage new volunteers, and help identify new nest/roost sites or other places visited by swifts.
Many references and forms for volunteers are available on the resources page of our website. Please take a look! There's even a dashboard placard to identify you as a volunteer!
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch!
Thanks for your interest and support!
Frank Machovec
Project Coordinator, Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative - 204-798-6275
The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative (MCSI) urges you to look up and help locate and monitor nesting and roosting sites in Manitoba during the coming season (May-September).
Volunteers are needed throughout the province, and they may choose a level of involvement based on their interest and availability:
- Hard core - Volunteers who will commit to monitoring a chimney for at least one hour every week throughout the summer in order to collect high quality data on breeding behaviour and breeding success.
- Nesters and roosters - Volunteers to monitor known roost or nest sites on at least six occasions during the roost hour (half hour before and after sunset).
- Rovers or dabblers - Volunteers who would like to help out on an occasional basis. These volunteers will be used as substitutes when "hard core" volunteers are unavailable or for monitoring at suspected sites.
So far, our project has identified active sites in Brandon, Carman, Dauphin. La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, and Winnipeg.
There are historical reports of sightings in the following locations, and we would value current reports from those areas:: Altona, Balmoral, Bissett, Delta Marsh, East St. Paul, Falcon Lake, Gimli, Mafeking, Morden, Oak Hammock Marsh, Pinawa, Souris, St. Ambroise, Stonewall, Teulon, Victoria Beach, Waugh.
Last year, we received informal reports of sightings in the following locations, and we would welcome details about any new sightings in Shilo, Souris, The Pas, and Wasagaming.
This year we will complete another season of nest/roost monitoring using volunteers, and we will continue to monitor our five artificial nest structures. Other plans include a media outreach campaign to improve public awareness of swifts, encourage new volunteers, and help identify new nest/roost sites or other places visited by swifts.
Many references and forms for volunteers are available on the resources page of our website. Please take a look! There's even a dashboard placard to identify you as a volunteer!
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch!
Thanks for your interest and support!
Frank Machovec
Project Coordinator, Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative - 204-798-6275
08 April 2012
Coming soon to a chimney near you
Spring has (apparently) sprung...
Well, it won't be long until the Chimney Swifts return to sunny Manitoba. Based on past arrivals, we should expect them in early- to mid- May. Once the swifts join us, we are looking for volunteers to check known sites or identify new ones.
Since 2007 our project has monitored swift activity in Brandon, Carman, Dauphin, La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Saint Adolphe, Selkirk and Winnipeg. Historical records and anecdotal reports suggest that there should be many more locations to be identified.
There are a number of potential roles for volunteers depending on your location and interests. If you would like to learn more about our project, please email or call Frank at 204-798-6275.
Mark your calendars for our Chimney Watch at Saint Adolphe on the evening of June 4. Bring a chair and a pair of binoculars and prepare for some chimney-gazing at the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba. Meet at the parking lot near the Club Amical (344 Main Street in Saint Adolphe) at 8:00 PM. There should be swifts and the chance to win a rare Chimney Swift mug!
For more information and resources about Chimney Swifts and the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative, check our website at or watch this blog!
Frank Machovec
Well, it won't be long until the Chimney Swifts return to sunny Manitoba. Based on past arrivals, we should expect them in early- to mid- May. Once the swifts join us, we are looking for volunteers to check known sites or identify new ones.
Since 2007 our project has monitored swift activity in Brandon, Carman, Dauphin, La Broquerie, Portage la Prairie, Saint Adolphe, Selkirk and Winnipeg. Historical records and anecdotal reports suggest that there should be many more locations to be identified.
There are a number of potential roles for volunteers depending on your location and interests. If you would like to learn more about our project, please email or call Frank at 204-798-6275.
Mark your calendars for our Chimney Watch at Saint Adolphe on the evening of June 4. Bring a chair and a pair of binoculars and prepare for some chimney-gazing at the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba. Meet at the parking lot near the Club Amical (344 Main Street in Saint Adolphe) at 8:00 PM. There should be swifts and the chance to win a rare Chimney Swift mug!
For more information and resources about Chimney Swifts and the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative, check our website at or watch this blog!
Frank Machovec
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