If you're looking out your window or indulging in some outdoor activity, you nay need a reminder that June is almost here. The calendar indeed confirms that it is the end of May and June will show be upon us...
We continue to receive reports of swift sightings from "old faithful" sites in Saint Adolphe, Selkirk, Dauphin, La Broquerie, Portage, Brandon, Carman. and Winnipeg.
It's early in the season, but it seems that Winnipeg counts are down from last year-- perhaps the swifts aren't quite ready for the 'Peg. On the other hand,the Dauphin roost site is very attractive with an amazing recent count of 87+ chimney swifts !
We also received a casual report of a pair of swifts in Neepawa.
The summary page for observations may be seen here (as a Google Doc). This page will be updated with maximum counts of swifts as I receive official monitoring reports from sites.

As the season progresses, we could use additional monitors for various sites. The need is especially great in the Winnipeg area. You don't need to make a long-term time commitment, but we certainly could use you! For more information about potential sites, please call 204-978-6275 or email mbchimneyswift@gmail.com
Don't forget our chimney-swift viewing on Monday, June 4 from 8 PM at the side of the St. Adolphe Parish Church at 392 Main Street in St. Adolphe. Bring a chair and your binos, and prepare to be amazed! Find out why St. Adolphe is the Chimney Swift Capital of Manitoba (and maybe go home with a door prize)!.