16 September 2013

Another one bites the dust!

Well another Chimney Swift season has come and gone, and we all need to find something else to do during the roost hour!

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to monitor your sites and report your observations. It took dedication-- whether your sites were active or vacant and despite a variety of weather conditions.

Let's not dwell on the lamentable conditions early in the season or swifts which didn't respect the "roost hour" or "active" chimneys without swifts or sites far removed from Tim Hortons or promising sites spurned by our avian quarry...

 2013 season highlights:

First swifts reported: May 12 (Saint Adolphe)
Last swifts reported: August 26 (Selkirk)

"New" active sites found in Winnipeg (two sites), Steinbach, Lac du Bonnet*, The Pas*
In Lac du Bonnet and The Pas there are reliable daytime reports of swifts and apparent nearby chimneys for roosting, but we don't yet have documented entries into chimneys.
  • 60 sites observed
  • Sites monitored with NO swifts observed: 18
  • Sites monitored with 1 to 4 swifts observed: 19
  • Sites monitored with 5 or more swifts observed: 13
  • 7 towers checked
As I'm sure you all recall, the season started with cool and rainy weather and the the later-than-usual return of swifts to many locations. Overall monitoring results were erratic with "normal" seasons in some locations and late-arriving or absent swifts at others. Dauphin saw a record peak number of swifts (121) at its roost site, making one wonder where the "extra" birds came from and where they ended up. The Selkirk roost had off-peak numbers at the main site and increased numbers at a nearby secondary site. The Carman main roost site saw lower than usual visitation, but a one-time spike in numbers at a secondary site.

A few monitoring reports noted that swifts arrived or departed outside the expected "roost hour window," and this factor suggests that we may have missed a number of entries and exits at some sites. It is possible, then. that some sites  may have erroneously been counted as vacant. Some other reports noted the proximity of many swifts that didn't enter the expected chimney: this suggests the existence of sites that we have yet to identify.

We participated in a nationally planned four day  monitoring project at selected sites. It turned out the designated dates were too early for many of our swifts, and some sites saw their first swifts on the last day of observation. The cool and wet weather didn't help either...

As far as our artificial towers are concerned, the less said, the better. The five towers erected by the Chimney Swift Initiative remain vacant, as do two "artificial trees" in the La Broquerie area. To our consternation, towers in Minnesota do attract swifts.

Early in the year, two members of the steering committee for the project attended a Chimney Swift Workshop in Montreal. We made two presentations and met with representatives from various Canadian and American swift projects. Discussions revealed a number of common concerns, and the groundwork has been laid for coordinated monitoring and species recovery efforts.

For your viewing pleasure:
A summary of moniring results is posted on our website, and it outlines peak numbers of swifts seen at sites from 2007 to 2013. Cast your eyes to http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/Documents/2013_sites.pdf

The summary of the four-day monitoring results may be seen at http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/Documents/2013_four_days.pdf

I recently completed the final report in connection with funding received from the provincial Endangered Species and Biodiversity Fund. The narrative part of the report is available on our web site at

As you all know, the cluster of five swift sites in Saint Adolphe is a jewel in the crown for the Chimney Swift Initiative. The 2013 annaual summary of activity in Saint Adolphe may be viewed at
http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/Documents/stadolphe_2013.pdf   Special thanks go to the Stewarts for their monitoring and analytical efforts.

In closing, thanks again for your efforts in support of the project!

Frank Machovec

05 August 2013

Civic Holiday Update

Well, the chimney swift season is drawing to an end. It seems like only yesterday when we were scanning the skies for the arrival of our favourite avian migrants!

Our " four day viewing experiment" turned out to be disappointing due to poor weather and some late returns of swifts. Later results have been indicated apparent breeding success at  many sites in Winnipeg, Saint Adolphe, Brandon, and La Broquerie. Results in other sites are less than clear, and it's hard to know if sites are abandoned or being used outside of the "roosting hour" time window. Our "old faithful" roost sites in Selkirk and Dauphin have been, well, faithful.

We have reports from some new sites like Wolseley, the West End, Steinbach, and Lac du Bonnet.

The search for new roost sites has not fared well- no swift activity was detected at a large chimney near Rose Isle (former Leary brickyard) and the large stack at the former Richlu factory in the Point Douglas area.

Although we haven't pinned down the chimney being used, there are reports of swifts seen in Lac du Bonnet and The Pas. Monitoring reports from the  Bethesda Hospital in Steinbach and Providence College in Otterburne suggest the existence of some unknown sites near the known chimneys.

The results are posted on the website at http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/Documents/2013_sites.pdf  

So far I have received reports from over 50 sites.

So, many thanks for your reports, and keep 'em coming.

Frank Machovec

03 July 2013

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot!

What a difference a few weeks makes! Not long ago we were getting wet and fighting hypothermia during our "four-day- protocol" days,  but now. to paraphrase Buster Poindexter (who borrowed Arrow's song), it's definitely "Hot Hot Hot!"

With your help, we have data from 51 chimneys, and all but nine have seen swift activity in 2013.

While observations continue, there seem to be a few anomalies such as recently active sites which swifts seem to have abandoned and "old faithful" sites with no swift activity so far..

I  have received reports from three "new" sites In Winnipeg, and we have a daytime report of four northerly swifts in The Pas (almost certainly using the Via Rail Station as a home).

The summary of current sightings is maintained at http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/Documents/2013_sites.pdf

I continue to check known sites for signs of current activity, and I'm searching for "new" roost sites.

So I urge you to grab a cool beverage and spend a roost hour or two at your favourite sites.Keep those cards and letters (and monitoring reports) coming in!

16 June 2013

Finally, an update!

In addition to our normal monitoring program, we asked volunteers to  monitor key sites on four specific evenings. This "four day protocol" was recommended by the national chimney swift recovery team as an experiment in coordinating national monitoring efforts.

I will pass along any "national" findings when I see them. Now, that I have received all the Manitoban four day reports I'm likely to see, I've updated the summary at:
Four day monitoring summary

Data from the four days is reflected in the overall summary as well:  2013 Monitoring summary

(The spreadsheets will be updated as more monitoring reports come in.)

Although it looks like spring is now here, we had some unseasonably cool, wet, and windy weather during some of the four "official" nights. Because of the weather, and to maximize coverage of sites, I have included some data from days immediately before and after the official count days. We also had some variation in coverage at sites due to differences in volunteer effort.

So, what does it all mean (and your interpretation may vary!) ??

The results of the four day monitoring effort seem inconsistent.

  • Results from some sites, both urban and rural, suggest "normal" arrival dates and behaviour.
  • Results from other sites, again both urban and rural, suggest late migration of chimney swifts. In some cases there were no birds at sites until the final monitoring date, some sites had (and still have) lower than normal numbers. There were some anomalous daytime sightings (like an apparent one-time roosting event  in Carman), and there was a one-time anomalous peak of birds at the Dauphin roost (and where did these birds come from and where were they going?).
One again, it seems apparent that the swifts have not read the book about their expected behaviour and  roosting times.

It is clear, however, that the swifts (and mosquitos) are now here!

So, please continue to check your sites for signs of successful nesting, and to help us identify departure dates at the end of the season. Thanks.

So, what is Frank up to?
I plan to check out some potential "new" sites with the goal of finding  roost sites in the Winnipeg core area (and some rural sites). I will also be checking some known sites that haven't been visited in 2013.

My daughter will be moving to the Minneapolis area shortly, and I hope to visit a "chimney swift tower farm" in the Twin Cities area. Minnesota has a successful artificial tower program, and it makes one wonder what's so different about conditions and construction methods south of the border.

 A New Chimney Swift Tower

A new  tower has been erected in the La Broquerie area. This "artificial tree," designed and constructed by volunteer David Dawson, is twelve feet long, made of wood and offers a good internal gripping surface and more elevation above ground than our other towers. The tower, like another one made by Mr. Dawson last year, is the vicinity of a known chimney swift site (St Joachim Church). Let's hope that the swifts flock to their new digs!

For more information about the project, check the website or drop me a line!

Frank Machovec

14 May 2013

Chimney Swifts return to sunny Manitoba!

We have finally received our first report of chimney swifts in Manitoba!

Barb Stewart reports that two swifts were seen foraging for food on Mother's Day near the Catholic Church/cemetery in Saint Adolphe. They weren't seen entering the nearby chimney, though.

I have some unsuccessful monitoring reports from Carman and Winnipeg, but we should have some favourable results soon!

Now that the weather is (hopefully) warming up,you might want to check "your" local site during the roost hour to see if swifts have returned.

Remember that monitoring forms and guidelines are available in the "resources" area of our website at http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/resources.html

Should you have any questions or concerns about the 2013 monitoring season, please email or give me a call at 204-798-6275. If you would like to monitor a site of your own, please get in touch!

Our first nationally-coordinated monitoring date is coming up on Wednesday, May 22.

A New Tower goes up in southern Manitoba!

David Dawson has designed and erected another unique "artificial tree" for chimney swifts. The tower has been erected in the vicinity of La Broquerie.

 The tower is about 14 feet tall and is located about 1.4 kilometers from a known active chimney swift nest site.

Time will tell if the swifts take to their new home!

06 May 2013

Join us for a swift night out

Monday, June 3 in Saint Adolphe
 (rain date June 10)

Meet at 8:00 pm in the parking lot

 of the Catholic Church

There are five active chimneys in the area, and there is an artificial nesting tower, too. There should be lots of activity as swifts search for insects and drop into nests in the area.

Saint Adolphe is 25 km south of Winnipeg on Hwy 200 (St Mary's Road)


for more information, call 204-798-6275

28 April 2013

They're back (well they're coming !)

Now that Spring is here, our thoughts turn to our favourite aerial insectivores. It shouldn't be too long before the chimney swifts return to Friendly Manitoba from southern climes.

The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative is planning for the 2013 monitoring season, and we're looking for new and returning volunteers!

This year, in accord with a developing national strategy for chimney swift program, we encourage monitors to check their sites during the roost hour on four specific nights: May 22, May 26, May 30, and June 3.
 We certainly encourage more frequent viewing, but we'd like to have data to share with the national initiative.

Look for forms and monitoring guidelines (including the new national four day protocol and much much more) at http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/resources.html

Watch this blog for periodic updates once the swifts are back.

If you would like to view the presentations given at a recent national  chimney swift conference, check http://www.mbchimneyswift.ca/links_papers.html

For more information about the project or to ask about potential sites for monitoring, please feel free to give me a call at 204-798-6275.

Watch the skies but don't over stress those necks!

Frank Machovec