Now that Spring is here, our thoughts turn to our favourite aerial insectivores. It shouldn't be too long before the chimney swifts return to Friendly Manitoba from southern climes.
The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative is planning for the 2013 monitoring season, and we're looking for new and returning volunteers!
This year, in accord with a developing national strategy for chimney swift program, we encourage monitors to check their sites during the roost hour on four specific nights: May 22, May 26, May 30, and June 3.
We certainly encourage more frequent viewing, but we'd like to have data to share with the national initiative.
Look for forms and monitoring guidelines (including the new national four day protocol and much much more) at
Watch this blog for periodic updates once the swifts are back.
If you would like to view the presentations given at a recent national chimney swift conference, check
For more information about the project or to ask about potential sites for monitoring, please feel free to give me a call at 204-798-6275.
Watch the skies but don't over stress those necks!
Frank Machovec