MCSI has had a staffing change-up. Best wishes go to Diana Teal on her relocation to Toronto. We appreciate Diana's efforts to get our chimney swift stewardship and outreach files underway. Thanks for it all!
A warm welcome is extended to Tim Poole who, along with his wife and young son, made Winnipeg home in May, 2014. Tim has now landed as our new Habitat Stewardship and Outreach Coordinator. He can be contacted at: This is a part-time position so please be patient with the understandable time lags in response to your inquiries.
Tim is time-sharing with the MB Important Bird Areas program. You can check out his other work at: ; the IBA contact is
Tim has a strong academic background and suite of job experience which will serve Manitoba Chimney Swifts well. After completing a BSc in Zoology at the University of Wales, Cardiff, Tim earned a Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation from Leeds University. Afterward came an 18 month position with A Rocha France, initially as a volunteer and later as Scientific Assistant. Among other duties, Tim carried out field research and conservation on the European roller, a threatened bird in Western Europe. Returning to the UK in 2008, Tim worked for 6 years for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds as the Capercaillie Project Officer based in Inverness, Scotland. In Tim's words "The intent of the job was to reverse the long-term decline of the capercaillie, a large species of woodland grouse, by providing advisory support to stakeholders including government agencies, landowners, and commercial foresters. Another important part of this role was coordinating and monitoring the spring breeding population." To round out his experience in Manitoba, Tim has worked as an Interpreter at Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre and volunteered with the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas.
Our Manitoba Chimney Swifts will benefit from Tim's capable involvement in MCSI projects. We wish him, and his family, every success in the future!
Barb Stewart