26 July 2011


Monitoring data continues to arrive, and we have reports from 22 active sites in Winnipeg and 18 sites in other Manitoba locations. There is verified breeding success in some areas (most notably Saint Adolphe) and indirect evidence from many others.

The summary of results is on the Nature Manitoba web site at http://www.naturemanitoba.ca/birder/monitoring_data.pdf , and I'll be updating this information as more data is received.

I have also added maps:
Active sites in Winnipeg
Active sites in Manitoba
Location of Winnipeg sites with ID numbers (for summary data)
Location of other sites with ID numbers

Join us for some chimney gazing!

We are planning a chimney swift watching extravaganza for the evening of Monday, August 8!

There are two ways to participate:

Join us at 7:30 P.M. in the parking lot near Club Amical  at 344 Main Street in St. Adolphe for a chance to observe chimney swifts at five local sites (and take a look at our tower). There's a map at http://bit.ly/ojeE9p

or contact  the project coordinator (204-798-6275 or at mbchimneyswift@gmail.com) for the location of a suitable chimney near you.

All participants are eligible for door prizes and there will be refreshments at the Saint Adolphe event. Bring a lawn chair and join us!

So, in the closing words of a venerable 1950's sci-fi movie, "Watch the Skies!"

Frank M.

06 July 2011

What's New?

I'm busy with the compilation of reports for our provincial and federal grant providers (and I'll post the results ASAP), but I have prepared some preliminary information based on monitoring reports received.

There's a summary of chimney sites and monitoring results at

For a map of monitored sites in Winnipeg, check out

and for a map of Manitoba sites with reported chimney swifts in 2011, look at

There are links to all of these URLs on the Chimney Swift page on the Nature Manitoba website (http://www.naturemanitoba.ca/CHSW.html ).

All of the above are "works in progress" and I'll update/correct them as we go along.

For all of you who have sent in reports, thanks.

If any of you see swifts in your travels, please pass along the details of your sightings.

Frank Machovec